Support CheatDB

Always confirm the address you pasted matches the one you copied! If it doesn't you have been infected with clipboard malware. We suggest reinstalling your computer as soon as possible. There is also a chance they have all of the data your browser has stored like passwords, bank cards, etc.


The cost to upkeep this project is around 20 euros per month. Covering this is easy, however a lot of work gets put into the development and maintenance of this project. We make sure every provider is vetted, and staying on top of all status changes as best as we can.

Side note: A provider doesn't always have to reached out to us to be listed. Vetting can happen without the provider knowing, and due to some providers being so large in size, they most likely won't have time to go through with the process of testing.

Donating any amount of money to keep this project up and running is appriciated from anyone. If you like the work we do, consider making a donation, or just buy us a coffee to keep us going.

Donating $100 or more will unlock a fancy name and badge () for your listing. This will also show to potential customers that you support the concept of this project.

This perk is forever, and you will not lose your shiny cool name and badge. Further donations are always welcome, and we will keep track of all donations made from each provider in order to display how much you have contributed (if you don't mind us doing so).